The Common Wheel S P O K E S

A blog from members of The Common Wheel’s team.

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Columbia Demolition

Demolition at the Lazy K: Tearing down walls and building TCW in ColumbiaWell, folks. It has begun!  We spent two weeks with Steve Sensenig of Revolution Concept tearing down walls, ripping up floors, and finding all sorts of treasures at the Lazy K, the future home...

12/2 Tear Down These Walls

The time has come for us to tear down some walls at the Lazy K Lounge! Starting on Tuesday, 12/5, we begin demolition in the former dive bar, remodeling it into a community bike center! To say we are excited is an understatement. Join us in welcoming Steve Senenig,...

TCW in Columbia is located at:

137 Locust St, Columbia PA 17512

When we had the opportunity to bring our concept to Columbia, we couldn’t pass up the chance! We met with stakeholders all over the river town. They told us that Columbia needs more things for kids to do, and they are eager for apprenticeship opportunities for youth through our sales and service model.

We are proud to join the Columbia community and continue our growth in this organization’s tenth year and beyond!

Want to schedule a tour or learn more about TCW? Please reach out to our Interim Executive Director, MacKenzie Hand, at



Level Up & Launch

Thank you for helping us Level Up and Launch! Thanks to you, we met our match and earned an additional $20,000! Now, we are on our way to bringing our essential services to Columbia in the Spring of 2024.



Thank you to the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design for our amazing new logo. Students, instructors, and alumni assisted in designing the logo during the 2023 Designathon!

Cimarron Properties

Thank you to our Lead Sponsor, Cimarron Properties!

Learn More »

City Limits Foundation Awards TCW in Columbia a $15,000 Grant

City Limits Foundation (CLF) believes in supporting organizations that provide better education for children, teens, or adults who are seeking new or increased educational opportunities for themselves;  for outlets helping “second chancers” (or maybe third chancers) and community members facing difficult circumstance who have shown a commitment to assisting themselves, when outside assistance is provided.

Armstrong World Industries Foundation Awards TCW in Columbia a $25,000 Grant

Since its inception in 1985, the Armstrong World Industries Foundation has donated more than $50 million to charities. Today, the Foundation’s strategy is primarily focused on making a positive difference in the lives of people where they live, work, learn, heal and play. This includes supporting our communities in creating healthier, safer and more sustainable buildings.

High Foundation Awards TCW in Columbia a $25,000 Grant

High Foundation’s mission is to be visionary and catalytic in focusing the philanthropy of the High Family. They focus their funding to improve the lives of people who live and work in the communities where High companies do business. They support and champion projects which enable the dignity, diversity, equality, and inclusion of all people, and generate measurable, beneficial social and environmental impact.

PPL Foundation Awards TCW in Columbia a $7,500 Grant

The PPL Foundation has awarded The Common Wheel a $7,500 Empowering Communities grant supporting apprenticeships in Columbia. Thank you to PPL for supporting our vision and the Columbia community!

The PPL Foundation empowers communities by supporting student success from cradle to career; advancing diversity, equity and inclusion; and promoting the development of vibrant and sustainable communities.

They focus their energy on being a good neighbor through a long-standing commitment to corporate citizenship. Their commitment to the environment, philanthropic contributions and the dedicated volunteerism of their employees allow them to improve the communities in which they live, work and serve.

Lancaster County Community Foundation Awards TCW in Columbia a Cultivating Beloved Community Grant

The Lancaster County Community Foundation has awarded The Common Wheel a $25,000 grant supporting community conversations and the buildout of the Columbia location, ensuring that the river community’s voice is heard in the process. Thank you, LCCF for believing in TCW in Columbia!

The Lancaster County Community Foundation helps people who love Lancaster County shape our shared future. Since 1924, individuals have established permanent funds to support our community by making grant investments to local organizations. Today, the Community Foundation manages approximately $200 million in community assets that support Lancaster County every year.

Bike Community Center & Shop

324 N. Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
717-461-3386 x1


Tuesday 12 PM -  6 PM
Wednesday 12 PM - 6 PM
Thursday 12 PM - 6 PM
Friday 12 PM - 6 PM
Saturday 12 PM - 4 PM


Bicycle Co-Op & Donation Center

701 E. King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
717-461-3386 x2


Sunday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025
Monday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025
Tuesday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025
Wednesday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025
Thursday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025
Friday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025
Saturday CLOSED UNTIL 02/2025

TCW in Columbia

137 Locust St
Columbia, PA 17512
717-461-3386 x3



Tuesday 12 PM -  6 PM
Wednesday 12 PM - 6 PM
Thursday 12 PM - 6 PM
Friday 12 PM - 6 PM
Saturday 12 PM - 4 PM

© Copyright 2020, The Common Wheel

The Common Wheel is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. We rely on the generosity of the community we serve to better the community as a whole through the power of bikes. Any and all donations that directly support our mission are tax deductible, and we can always provide you with the correct documentation.