Revolutionizing people and places using the energy and equity of bicycles

Join Us Every Thursday!!!
Every Thursday from 6pm-8pm, join us at The Pump House to help prepare bikes for our annual Spring Bike Fling!
Lancaster's Community Bike Org
The Common Wheel is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As a community bike organization, we have co-op space in Lancaster at our 701 E King St location, and in Columbia at our 137 Locust St. location. These spaces serve as a hub for youth and adult programs and classes, as well as stand rental times for people to work on their own bicycles under the guidance of our skilled staff members!

Donate Your Old Bike TODAY!
Do you have an old bike that is just longing for a new person to ride it once more? Consider donating it to us!
Your bike could be chosen by our next crop of Earn-a-Bike students, or it could wind up being a child’s very first bicycle at our annual Bike Fling. Quality bicycles can be refurbished by our staff to end up in the hands of an adult in need of essential transportation, or on our sales floor to inspire someone to ditch their car and choose the bicycle as their primary form of transportation.
Choose to make an impact by donating your bicycle today! While we prefer donations to be brought to our King Street Co-op and Donation Center, our staff can assist you at all three Common Wheel locations.
Earn-a-Bike is accepting applications for 2024. If you know a youth aged 11-21 get them signed up today. Click here for more information!

Queers & Gears
Presenting Queers & Gears, an affinity group for the LGBTQ+ community in partnership with the Hellbenders Collective. Click here for more information!

We've Got Bikes!
The Queen Street Community Center & Shop is fully stocked with new Brooklyn Bicycle Company Bikes, Public Bikes, and Marin Bikes! Plus, we have an amazing selection of fully refurbished bikes that are ready to go! Cycling season is right around the corner and we are ready to get your booty on the perfect bike. Come in and check out our selection today!

Adult Mechanics Class
What is keeping YOU from learning how to fix your own bike? Join us and empower yourself to be the best friend there is (the one that can change a flat, ya know?) to yourself and to others during our sliding-scale class for Adults only.